I'm looking for a quality anvil that will outlast me. I think you are misinterpreting what I was trying to say or perhaps I was not clear. It's always a fake if it's not produced by or under the name of the company who genuinely makes it. You are calling it a fake and I call it a copy. Leo Fender created the Stratocaster guitar in 1954. And I'd like you to then show your anvil with its straight (you imply parallel) hardy hole. in Ennepetal. So far, from my limited knowledge and research I'm partial towards the Ernst Refflinghaus Anvils which are available for purchase here. As far as the chamfer, I gave this some more though as to why this bothers me. Do you represent all Peddinghaus anvil owners? I'm not going to comment further on this as I have clearly stated why I would not call it a fake. Can you list any other anvil producers of today; Kohlswa, Rathole forge, Rhino, Nimba, imported Czech anvil who do have a shop and let you use them in their showroom, if showing live at all? If "cheap knock off", "low quality imitation" or "copy" makes his statement more palatable go with it. Concerning the Czech cast anvils. Die Ambosse von ehem. I do think they are trying to make money selling the same shape. Blacksmiths Depot is the place to go when you are searching for where to buy a Blacksmithing Anvil, as we only sell anvils that are meant for a lifetime. The rest are cast steel which can vary in steel quality. Here is a picture of my Orginial P.F.P. Richtige Adressen und Telefonnummern finden! I have the Peddinghaus, because of the quality it's made in and the nice conical horn with a transition at the face, which allows me to forge different shape and curves than with the Southern German Pattern. I think it is one of the best anvils you can buy and that they are an excellent value for what they cost. -The faces (today) are hardened to 58HRc, not 52-54HRc. There's no reason that a thousand dollar anvil should have a crooked hardie hole or overly chamfered edges. But it's sad if you say all that, without owning or having used one (for a longer period time)(because of whatever excuse/argument you have). Any help in my search for a high quality anvil would be appreciated. It has the same chamfering. Tel. The fakes are WITHOUT a stamp, not the other way around. It isn't hard to call the company and ask them, right? No one just randomly buys a car, or anything else that cost a fair bit of money. 156 D-58285 Gevelsberg. My anvil's not perfect but the hardy is straight, the edges are excellent, and I could buy several of them for the price of a small Peddinghaus. which seriously changes costs, but improves performance certainly. (And preferably not by people who don't own, nor use one.) Peddinghaus, Refflinghaus, Kohlswa (older models did, haven't seen the new ones yet). Jeremy, I'm glad to hear such a good report on the Chech anvil and that you are happy with yours. Pasted as rich text. Thus all of them have the hardy hole in the heel. My anvil's not perfect but the hardy is straight, the edges are excellent, and I could buy several of them for the price of a small Peddinghaus. . Du verwendest einen veralteten Browser. -they used to be forge welded at the waist; done by Paul Ferdinand Peddinghaus (P.F.P.) My current project is rebuilding the 50# trip hammer. Some smiths strongly prefer the horn with corners and are quite vocal about it claiming the round horns as worthless. bei eBay. You should check it, buyer's responsibility. There's no reason that a thousand dollar anvil should have a crooked hardie hole or overly chamfered edges. Pyramid & Diamond Head . I have ground a radius on most of the face but could not get as small of a radius as I would have like because of the chamfer. This particular series I was not sure of as they are a little different and at a slightly different angle vs being top, directly over bottom arm. I would not call it a fake because I don't think they are taking business for anyone who want's an actual Peddinghaus. As far as my hardies are concered I have several anvils with 1" hardy holes and share my hardies among them. They have a hardy hole, a … Refflinghaus& Röllinghoff Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH& Co. KG Beteiligungsgesellschaft in Hamburg Harvestehude: Adresse und weitere Informationen im Branchenbuch auf … Take a look at a Refflinghaus, Kohlswa, KL, Brooks anvil (cast) none of them are perfectly square or parallel either. -they're completely forged, top and bottom. Ok, fair enough let's go with poorly made copy, but it certainly isn't the real thing. Two horns anvils ERNST REFFLINGHAUS no 58 . Get it done, you're a smith. There is much more that in a London pattern anvil which makes the sweet spot larger. Though, say you do have one. TechnicusJoe, I think the use of the term fake may just be a cultural difference. Das Telefonbuch Ihre Nr. Yea, they work like an anvil, so will a piece of railroad track, an aso from harbor freight, and even a piece of granite, even concrete. Whether you think they can/should/ get away with not saying it is one doesn't change that. A very good friend of mine bought the Fisher and a Peter Wright from me so I still get to use them on a regular basis. Add to Compare. If I want to see one in person I would more than likely have to take a plane ride. We've added a selection of smaller and cheaper anvils in their place, including the Mophorn 88-Pound, the HappyBuy Single Horn, and the CO-Z Round Horn, all of which are perfectly good choices for beginners and amateurs. 35 Einträge zu Refflinghaus mit aktuellen Kontaktdaten, Öffnungszeiten und Bewertungen ☎ Das Telefonbuch - Ihre Nr. Join us in congratulating our grand prize winner of a Peddinghaus PeddiRotator, Construction Steel Inc.! Fax 02332 … 2011 ... Hallo, Kurze Frage, ich könnte für 250 euro an eine 100kg Peddinghaus Amboss ran kommen. Which in my rergards is preferable as it will help aid the hardy tool. This is Olga, my anvil. All of the fake Rolex's I have scene actually said Rolex on them and were trying to be passed of as a real Rolexs, the sellers were being dishonest about it. If I fix them for the Ped they will be crooked in the others. I speak English, thank you. Amboss PEDDINGHAUS 50kg unbeschmiedet im Bestzustand!! Here's a picture of FAKE Peddinghaus anvil. This was the only anvil I have bought new and cost more than the rest of them combined so I was a bit disappointed in how far off it was. Latest News. I like this kind of arguing. False spread info. Holzmüller, H.; Refflinghaus, R. (2013): Market Driven vs. Market Driving: Is Starbucks a Role Model for Achieving Firm Performance. ll Refflinghaus gesucht? Not too useful if you think about it. This one has a totally different ring than the real Peddinghaus anvil. The rebound on this anvil is excellent the best I have personally worked on. There are a lot of options when you've got that much money to spend. Hallo, Wie der Tital schon sagt, weiß einer von euch was der unterschied bei der Fertigung bzw. bei eBay. × It's completely forged. But that's the way they make them. guide to identifying a Peddinghaus could be shortened to "Does it say Peddinghaus on it? I don't see anywhere that they say it is an actual Peddinghaus anvil, it is just their version of a North German style anvil. -The bottom is cast and the top forged. Have a look of you can get get perfectly parallel. NP 1700€! If I understand you correctly, the "Peddinghaus difference" is that the horn cone is not blended to the face. They're not checked by the real company, thus it's not their work. 1 für Adressen und Telefonnummern They don't mention it is one. It's clear on the site they are not a real Peddinghaus anvil and not being sold as such. Gebrauchte PEDDINGHAUS Peddimaster 60 / 100 H. Rundstahl: 45 mm Vierkantstahl: 40 mm Winkelstahl: 120 x 13 mm Hub einstellbar: 15-40 mm locht:: 27 Durchm in 17 mm Stanzausladung: 510 mm Ausklinker: 13 mm à linhalt: 80 l Antrieb: 7,5 kW Lochstanze: Druckleistung: 60 t Maschinengewicht ca. What you see is an anvil in the shape of a pattern designed by Peddinghaus, but not produced by Peddinghaus, neither checked, nor sold. There are a lot of options when you've got that much money to spend. She is my fabulous German double horn anvil that I purchased used last year. I'm not saying is is a high quality anvil or in any way compares to a Peddinghaus I just don't think they are selling it and telling people the are buying a genuine Peddinghaus anvil. If you can do that; how cost effective is it? I'm not sure I would call that one a fake. If not, you can assume it's something else." I don't see any mentioning of claims it is a not-Peddinghaus anvil, Even though they clearly are the same shape. Why wouldn't you call it a fake? Für eine bessere Darstellung aktiviere bitte JavaScript in deinem Browser, bevor du fortfährst. And the quality is nowhere near the same as a Peddinghaus anvil. I'm learning a lot from this. Original PFP!!! I sold all of my anvils besides the Trenton to buy the buy the Peddinghaus. But he does say this and I quote: I can't imagine they "just do it" like that because they think it's right. These isn't true either. If smaller than 50kg/110lbs they are a one-piece drop forging. My anvil is the 275 lb #12 with the upsetting block. Finden Sie private und berufliche Informationen zu Refflinghaus: Interessen, Berufe, Biografien und Lebensläufe in der Personensuche von Das Telefonbuch I do love my Peddinghaus anvil and use it regularly. It is supported by about 5 inches of steel, you are not going to break it off forging hardies with a heavy sledge. From what I can tell the only "Fake" Peddinghaus are those which are marked with the brand, not mimicing the pattern. I receive anvils every few months, but not enough to fill the demand. Hessen Siegmar Weisenberger. I don't know if other anvils are any better or worse but I think you get a lot of value for your dollar with these. Cheers for the compliments. You don't see any clearifying information for the people who might take it for a real Peddinghaus anvil. After the 1930s they stopped fire welding them and in some year they started welding them electrically. I don't see why you'd need such a sharp edge. I have a Peddinghaus anvil I bought new a few years ago which has the round hold around the hardy hole. Ernst Refflinghaus Anvils anyone? I don't know exactly how they have it registered. A blacksmith anvil is one of the most important and expensive purchases a blacksmith will make. Why don't you adjust your shanks? Any how. They are still produced today and the owners love them (including me) Peddinghaus has produced more patterns than just this one. If "cheap knock off", "low quality imitation" or "copy" makes his statement more palatable go with it. Peddinghaus anvils are drop-forged and produced entirely from high-grade steel for maximum durability. I'm glad this one has one and I have come to use it quite a bit. Interestingly, it would appear that Peddinghaus / Rigid / Emmerson Tool simply call this a "two horn anvil". A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER. From fully automatic turned parts to hand-cut hammers, each piece carries our logo. Der Amboss ist eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge in der Schmiede. They must have had feed back that demanded a chamfered edge. Ernst Refflinghaus Anvils anyone? Not a major issue but I would rather have been able to dress it to my liking. They have a hardy hole, a pritchel holes and a small step for metalworking... More. It is the picture from Old World Anvils web site. TechnicusJoe, I'm not going to say more on this either other than I would have like the anvil to be left buyer to dress. It was expensive and a life long purchase and I like the extra peace of mind it gives me knowing it will last that long. But that's a bit unrealistic to demand for the price they are made. Notice the square chamfering on the hardy hole. However occasional I would like a tighter radius than what is allowed by the chamfer or a sharp edge when working on a decorative piece and this would keep from having to use a hardy or a chisel. I can't see whether you own a genuine Peddinghaus anvil, let alone have ever even used one. I have not used any of their anvils but most all high quality anvils in current production are cast. Hammers, each piece carries our logo and kick the tires on any new I! Anvils which are marked with the weight in kgs stamped on it Refflinghaus mit aktuellen Kontaktdaten Öffnungszeiten... 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