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Learning Lab Learning Lab is USAID's platform for generating and sharing information, tools, and resources on how development practitioners can work together to integrate learning throughout USAID's Program Cycle. The period of this contract is from July 2015 to July 2020. For an illustrative example of a complete table, please refer to tab 2 "Example." The human resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this project’s human r… Box 1397 Burlington, VT 05402 �Q+Ƙ 9? Attachment F: WORK PLAN TEMPLATE. Project Objectives, Activities and Results) and provide more specific details on results. The Evaluation Plan section of a PMP identifies, summarizes all evaluations as they are planned across the Mission and over time by DO. 2 0 obj
U.S. Agency for International Development. x��kO���{���JV�x^~\UH)�.�BY��Zu��!қ������9gf��6iջH�9g��5�����we����,���$�z��(�b�����jzx�?̖y9+�GG��������7�X�X�����D��JC�-B����}�N����7Q(���V�?�}�u� n~{���V���5�a�d�H��W��1���+�u}��"`�M�qȹ����/��X����Ӆ_�*L���㏧���P\�X�"�\�b
]�xGWi(e�"L�P{*�7jo��|rE⾼���j���q�m�R��s�h��.q,MB! : This document is designed to give USAID/Vietnam implementing partners (IPs) a template to follow when developing AMEPs. Who We Are. It should lay down in your plan. A USAID RESOURCE FOR PREVENTION, CARE AND TREATMENT. Narragansett, R Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ ode Island. USAID Logo Files with Translated Tagline: Download logo files with translated tagline here START-UP. o��� xl/workbook.xml�T�n�0}���,�m%q CMYK files (for professional offset printing): 2-Color, Black-Only, White. In July 2011, FHI became FHI 360. Toolkits. 110p. When you are preparing for a work plan, you need to set goals for your work and how you are going to achieve them. stream
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development . Prior to accepting a subcontracting plan, Contracting Officer/Contract Specialists submit them to OSDBU for review and coordination. At the activity/implementing mechanism level, implementers are expected to submit an activity M&E plan to USAID CORs/AORs within the first 90 days of an award (generally at the same time as an approved work plan) and before major activity implementation actions begin. Work Plan Templates. USAID Missions and other Operating Units that choose to provide a standard Activity MEL Plan template to their implementing partners may adopt this template, adapt it, or devise a standard template … USAID HELM FINAL REPORT | 1 ... August 2016, with an approved work plan and budget for 2017. USAID Supporting Women’s Livelihood Bond To Benefit 385,000 Women in Southeast Asia. (1-�����Nf�!6 �վ ��w�������&�o(Npu띩k(t�9C���i��k q¹�G!�[��F��2H��G/K��$�d�/ Y=F�.Q�$� performance work statement (pws) [template] [insert title and activity] note to our customers: this template must be tailored for your agency by including your unique requirements, quantities for workload, specific surveillance techniques, etc. In some cases, the original plan may not be as successful as you expect which is why you need a contingency plan example to achieve the same goal.We have heard the term “Plan B” before and this in its simplest way, is a contingency plan. Performance Management Plan (PMP) Toolkit . Determine the purpose up front so you can prepare properly. As noted in USAID ’s ADS 201 : Activities must have an approved Activity MEL Plan in place before major implementation actions begin. Notably, activities and associated results were revised several times during implementation as Rwandan government counterparts shifted and new USAID priorities were incorporated. Annual Work Plan Template; ... United States Agency for International Development Opens Second Maker Innovation Space in Vietnam. any questions regarding this template should be addressed with your assigned acquisition team. Information released online from June 2012 to September 2017. Implemented by: Tetra Tech P.O. Identify the purpose for your work plan. endobj
Design Reports are intended to build upon the statement of work (SOW) and provide any … 9345.1-16FS, Sept. 1993). ... • Apply the M&E Work Plan Template in developing an individual country/site/program activity work plan (semi-annual plans, annual plans) Core Module 3: 4 Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Work Plan It provides clear guidance for preparing and organizing and developing the narrative of the report. Pantone files (for spot color and screen printing): 2-Color. This template provides a suggested outline and quick guidance for the development of an Activity MEL plan by a USAID implementing partner. 1.3 The Work Plan has been prepared during a period of transition and change as a result of the recent completion of an Effectiveness Assessment of the AWF and the ongoing preparation of a five year Strategic Plan (2012-2016) pursuant to the recommendations of the Assessment. USAID Logo Files: RGB files (for web, digital, video, and office printers): 2-Color, Black-Only, White, Social Media Profile. On-going support is provided by Breakthrough ACTION with support from USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, under Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-17 … Note: Content in this archive site is NOT UPDATED, and external links may not function.External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein. Please note that, while there is no contractually required format for partners to use for their AMEPs to USAID, this template can help USAID and its implementing partners ensure that the Activity M&E Plans meet the standards of The table can also include the indicator target, and how far the program has progressed toward that target in terms of the percentage of the target achieved during the reporting period. endobj
Curates the latest USAID guidance, tools, and templates for initiating, planning, managing, and learning from evaluations primarily for USAID staff members who are involved in any phase of the evaluation process. This website is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAAA-A-12-00058. PW002. Evaluations that address strategic-level concerns are best planned during the CDCS – PMP development period, as are impact evaluations that will span most of the strategy period, a multi-component whole-of-project evaluation. PK ! 4 0 obj
The M&E plan is in the process of some discussion with USAID. This document was published by Social Impact, Inc., in collaboration with USAID’s Office of Learning, Skip to main content. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN ACHIEVING THE ACTIVITIES USAID Proposal Summary Template; Sample Concept Note: Increase Civic Education; Sample Concept Note: Recycling of community waste; Sample Concept Note: Promotion of Adolescent and Youth sexual and Reproductive Health Education; proposalsforNGOs helps you write your best ever grant proposal. It should provide a general description of what the plan includes and explain how the project manager and project team can use the plan to help them manage the project effectively.Human resources management is an important part of the Software Upgrade Project. J��a� G xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels �(� ���j�0��ѽq��P�:{)����0��Mlc�?y����6���У$4�1�f�9��#u�)(��ڛε Here you will find the specific requirements of your workplan under your award. Work plans are written for various reasons. Good strategies always involve a contingency plan in case the original plan backfires. �E$���æ���%2�!�����u(kT������Nrν眛�Ů�ӆ+a��1b2S9����oΆKeN��,�{f�E���h��f���4.��B�3Y�Jj��b���.���^{�Ҍ�`̖�|���K|@�K0�j�3v���d�@4�B����9���K�J�7uu����%��P��,����t)����ay]�L+�V�Pޡȓ~��rh9��`����o�t,#A��ιey��U[�t��H��e����@7����ְ�0�������;G^@zA0p��XX�%�l��qm�W!�I��64c�k�T��Gp�YH�&��@����]��l���J�j�v��d�u6�ES(Ε �S�1�\&�"�2��f�&�gW�[���ckiV�����!=
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-���Z�=P�rԍ'�C� S5(%�$A)Ds�Q��6�h�����e�P. Keep in mind that most work plans are for a certain period of time (i.e., 6 months or 1 year). Since there are a variety of evaluation plans for work that can be created depending on the purpose that they may serve, we can help you select the appropriate work plan to use through the templates of learning plan and samples of job plan available for download in this post. This Work Plan outlines the scope of work for conducting the PA/SI, and provides details of field work required to complete the project in accordance with 40 CFR Part 300.410 and all applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance documents for preparation of an integrated site assessment (EPA directive No. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Work plans can be used in different environments but they are mostly effective in a simple business plan and academic setting. The start-up phase of your project begins when your award is executed, and ends when your workplan is approved and you receive funding. A Guide for Missions on Planning for, Developing, Updating, and Actively Using a PMP . Is a resource for USAID staff members and external contractors who participate in or conduct evaluations for USAID. The Phase II Work Plan Template should elaborate on the project activities presented in the Phase I LOI (Section 3. So, take note of the following points when you are preparing a work plan: Set a timeline for each goal. !�F:s � [Content_Types].xml �(� �T�n�0�W�?D�V��CUU]�-�L�my You can do so by having a solid thought out process. USAID/Vietnam Gender Analysis; MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) Evaluation Policy; ADS 203: Assessing and Learning; Annual Work Plan Template; Quarterly Report Template; Guidance Document for Activity Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan; Activity Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan Template; Performance Indicator Reference Sheet Template USAID Work Plan Coordination Meeting 5/6, Dubai, UAE. �U0#� L _rels/.rels �(� ��MO�0��H�����ݐBKwAH�!T~�I����$ݿ'T�G�~����;#�w����qu*&r�Fq���v�����GJy(v��*����K��#F��D��.W ��=��Z�MY�b���BS�����7��ϛז��
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Annex 1 provides a template that should be used in completing your work plan. − Gender and Vulnerable Groups Plan (Draft) − Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (Draft) Current work plans for year 2 will include provision to finalise these drafts. USAID Learning Lab hosts three toolkits to provide USAID staff and implementing partners with a curated set of resources to plan, implement and integrate … USAID LESTARI Year 3 Annual Work Plan: October 2017 – September 2018 P a g e | ii This publication was prepared for review by the United States Agency for International Development under Contract # AID-497-TO-15-00005. USAID Work Plan Coordination Meeting 5/6, Dubai, UAE. <>
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